I often hear teenagers and families asking about protein to help build muscle. Damaged muscles occur during exercise, and protein is an essential muscle component that can help with repair and rebuilding. Every day, athletic teens need 1.2-1.5 grams per kilogram of...
Looking for healthy post-game snacks? Here are sensible, low-cost, and good tasting healthy post-game snack options that kids and parents can all enjoy! Chocolate milk is a good-tasting, low-cost, and easy to find healthy post-game snack. Chocolate milk is an...
For the battle of best sports drink, in one corner stands water, in the other stands flavored sports beverages. Just as athletes go head to head, these two heavyweights are competing for the designation of “best sports drink”. Even good ol’ Charlie...
SOLID FOODS There are many reasonable ways to start feeding infants. With just a few guidelines, you should be able to relax and enjoy mealtimes with your child. WHY DO YOU START SOLID FOODS? The main reason you’re introducing solid foods is to increase the pleasure...
A low carb diet may be a sensible option for children or athletes concerned about excessive weight, risk of diabetes and athletic performance. That very phrase may run contrary to common teaching. For example, if you click this link on traditional sports nutrition...
Given that headaches are the most common symptom after concussion and often the last to fully resolve, I spend a good amount of time with my patients discussing headache triggers, anticipated healing course, and how to reduce intensity and duration. While this post...
Dual board-certified pediatric and sports medicine specialist Dr. Chris Koutures and pediatric specialist Dr. Christopher Lin offer an individualized approach to general pediatric and sports medicine care that enhances the health and knowledge of patients and their families in Orange County, California.
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