Low Carb Diet: Role in Young Children and Athletes

A low carb diet may be a sensible option for children or athletes concerned about excessive weight, risk of diabetes and athletic performance.

That very phrase may run contrary to common teaching.

For example, if you click this link on traditional sports nutrition guides, you will often find the following recommended distribution and amounts of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats:

  • Carbohydrates
    • Should be the majority (50-60%) of daily calories
    • Best sources are complex carbohydrates
      • Higher fiber multi-grain breads, pastas, and cereals
    •  Less emphasis on simple, higher sugar-based sources
      • Snack/dessert products, juices
    • Good pre-event sources, especially in higher amounts before endurance events (Carbo Loading)
  • Proteins
  • Fats
    • Maximum of 30% of daily calories
      • Majority from unsaturated food sources
        • Nuts, fish, plant oils
      • Smaller amounts from animal-based sources
        • Meat and dairy products

However, there are now eloquent voices who are teaching a more low carb diet with higher protein and fat intake.

I will ask you to review this podcast featuring the prominent exercise and sports medicine science expert Dr. Timothy Noakes.

Proponents of the low carb diet focus on the concept of carbohydrate intolerance with excessive carbohydrate intake (especially processed foods). This may lead to higher rates of snacking with subsequent increased risk of diabetes and overweight/obesity issues.

Who is or might be at risk for carbohydrate intolerance?

  • Anyone who is gaining weight on a high carbohydrate diet
  • Family or personal history of diabetes

What foods must be reduced/avoided in a low carb diet?

  • Carbohydrate-laden processed foods
  • Breads, rice, pastas, oatmeal, grains
  • High amounts of high-fructose fruits
  • Juices, sodas, sports drinks,
  • Crackers, chips, pretzels, cookies
  • Potatoes and other starches

One would increase meats/poultry/fish and nut sources along with vegetables and dairy products.

Concerned about the increase in cholesterol?

Those who support the low carb diet will argue that lowering blood sugar amounts is more beneficial to heart health. The lower blood sugar could outweigh the risk of higher cholesterol amounts from increased fat and protein. A low carb diet may also reduce the need for snacking and limit variability in blood sugar levels. Athletes tend to perform better with more consistent blood sugar levels and especially not having to deal with lower levels (known as “bonking” in endurance circles).

If interested in a low carb diet, what are recommendations to put it into place?

  • Please discuss first with your medical professional, especially if you have diabetes or any other medical concerns
  • Do you totally avoid carbohydrates?
    • Not recommended
    • Start with reducing daily intake.
      • Perhaps from usual American intake of 300+ grams of carbohydrate/day to maybe 100-150 grams of carbohydrate a day
  • Start reading labels- use the Carbohydrate gram amount (not percentage numbers) to guide you
  • When starting, reduce eating outside the home to control content of food choices
  • Reducing processed foods and adopting a more low carb diet can even be done with food introduction in toddlers.
    • This may help create less carb seeking habits later in life
    • Will also encourage more healthy fat intake- which is essential for nervous system development in the first 2-3 years of life.
  • Monitor weight, hunger, and energy levels in the first few weeks

I post this to encourage thoughtful consideration about appropriate carbohydrate intake and the role of a low carb diet. I encourage individuals to learn how to best adjust carbohydrate intake for better long-term health and performance.