Jan 4, 2021 | Best Pediatrician in Orange County
Bowel movements are a part of life and having harder stools with constipation can cause discomfort for babies, children and their parents. Read on for more information on what constipation exactly is, tips on how to treat it, and when you should contact your doctor...
Dec 11, 2020 | Children and Sleep, Orange County, Pediatric Sports Medicine, Top OC Pediatric Sports Doctor
Want to get the most out of your next workout?Plan to show up well-rested, well-hydrated, energized and having time for a dynamic warm-up.Read on to learn how to build that practical plan for best pre-workout for teenage athletes to help maximize performance and...
Jan 18, 2018 | Best Pediatrician in Orange County, Dance and Performing Arts Medicine, Growth and Development in Younger Children, Injury Prevention, Nutrition for Children, Pediatric Sports Medicine, sports nutrition, Uncategorized, Weight training, When can my child start lifting weights
I often hear teenagers and families asking about protein to help build muscle. Damaged muscles occur during exercise, and protein is an essential muscle component that can help with repair and rebuilding. Every day, athletic teens need 1.2-1.5 grams per...