Dance Discomfort: Deciding to Dial Up a Dance Medicine Specialist

Dance Discomfort: Deciding to Dial Up a Dance Medicine Specialist

Dance discomfort- comes with the territory of doing the usual hard work on the dance floor. Muscles hurt, toes feel cramps, the back is sore. Then there is the mental discomfort- am I jumping as high, as often, as well as I could be? These are common, everyday issues...
Volleyball Safety Talk: Learn with the Pacific Juniors Volleyball Club

Volleyball Safety Talk: Learn with the Pacific Juniors Volleyball Club

The Pacific Juniors Volleyball Club is pleased to announce that it will be working with Dr. Chris Koutures, Team Physician for the Men’s and Women’s USA Volleyball teams, on a FREE one day Volleyball Safety speaking engagement. Dr. Koutures will be...
Protein: Whole Food Sources Best for Your Athletic Teen

Protein: Whole Food Sources Best for Your Athletic Teen

I often hear teenagers and families asking about protein to help build muscle. Damaged muscles occur during exercise, and protein is an essential muscle component that can help with repair and rebuilding. Every day, athletic teens need 1.2-1.5 grams per kilogram of...