Early to Specialize: Will It Make Your Child Athlete Healthy, Wealthy and Wise?

Early to Specialize: Will It Make Your Child Athlete Healthy, Wealthy and Wise?

Deciding when to have a child specialize- playing just one sport or joining a higher level travel team- is a challenge faced by many families. It might mean stopping or limiting other sports or activities. There’s definitely a time and financial commitment. Not...
Strength Training in Children and Adolescents

Strength Training in Children and Adolescents

ActiveKidMD thanks Dr. Cale Franklin, pediatric resident at UCI/CHOC and future sports medicine physician, for his insight on strength training. Many concerned parents pose the questions, “should I allow my child to start lifting weights” or “how old can they start...
Sports Injury Protection Podcast with Dr. Koutures: What is a Sports Medicine Physician?

Sports Injury Protection Podcast with Dr. Koutures: What is a Sports Medicine Physician?

Check out the latest Sports Injury Protection podcast! Click here to listen to the SportsInjuryProtection.com Podcast “Who Are They and What Do They Do” is the beginning of a series to highlight the different medical practitioners that are involved in the...