Looking for healthy post-game snacks? Here are sensible, low-cost, and good tasting healthy post-game snack options that kids and parents can all enjoy! Chocolate milk is a good-tasting, low-cost, and easy to find healthy post-game snack. Chocolate milk is an...
A high school cheerleader and lacrosse player interested in returning to activity after concussions asked if a change of position could lower concussion risk. The cheerleader would move from base to tumbler, while the lacrosse player would become a wing and not take...
It’s not all doom and gloom after undergoing an ACL reconstruction. There are many factors that help dictate success as an athlete attempts to return to sport. Studies show that a good subset can get back to their pre-injury levels and go on to compete at the highest...
The pain of swimmer’s ear can not just ruin good times in the water but also put a damper on regular life activities. Known in medical circles as Otitis Externa, swimmer’s ear results from infection and swelling of the outside of the ear. Swimmer’s...
Told you have asthma but still struggling to breath with exercise? Have throat tightness if running or singing? Start thinking about Vocal Cord Dysfunction! Typical Vocal Cord Dysfunction scenarios: What actually happens with Vocal Cord Dysfunction: Key signs of Vocal...
Dual board-certified pediatric and sports medicine specialist Dr. Chris Koutures and pediatric specialist Dr. Christopher Lin offer an individualized approach to general pediatric and sports medicine care that enhances the health and knowledge of patients and their families in Orange County, California.
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