For over 40 years, Debbie has been our office manager and often the first voice greeting you when calling or coming into the office. Debbie will be retiring at the end of October, 2023. ActiveKidMD is pleased to share her retirement message. We look forward to having...
Why Yellow (Yes, not Pink, or Blue) is the Most Important Newborn Color and Answers to Questions that New or Expectant Parents Must Ask the Pediatrician CONGRATULATIONS! You are having a baby soon! (Or babies – Dr. Koutures has twin boys!) You are excited, nervous,...
You hear your baby or toddler coughing from the other room. It might be a new cough that wakes them up in the middle of the night, or a cough that has lasted for weeks. At times, it may seem that your young child is always sick. You feel somewhat helpless – you don’t...
There is no doubt that getting enough quality sleep is essential for overall physical and mental health. As we close out 2022 and usher in the new year, we have partnered with Parenting OC to offer some tips on producing more productive sleep. Does your child really...
Your child has been prescribed an antibiotic medicine. Antibiotic medicines are “anti” or used to fight against the growth of bacteria. They are important medicines to use to reduce illnesses caused by certain, shall we say, “bad” bacteria that cause fevers, swelling,...
Dual board-certified pediatric and sports medicine specialist Dr. Chris Koutures and pediatric specialist Dr. Christopher Lin offer an individualized approach to general pediatric and sports medicine care that enhances the health and knowledge of patients and their families in Orange County, California.
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