Sports physicals offer golden opportunities to share information and listen to young patients. Sure, they frequently are viewed by parents and young athletes as more annoyance than necessity. It’s easy for sports physicals to turn into automatic answers to a list of questions. Those long checklists on sports...

Dance discomfort- comes with the territory of doing the usual hard work on the dance floor. Muscles hurt, toes feel cramps, the back is sore. Then there is the mental discomfort- am I jumping as high, as often, as well as I could be? These are common, everyday...

Should dancers take PE class? Must be the start of a new school year. The questions (and request forms) are coming in. How does this pediatric sports and dance medicine specialist view dancers and Physical Education (PE) class? The benefits of having dancers take PE class Get outside to soak...

Players, coaches and families take notice: after further video review, two common movements put athletes at high risk for soccer Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injuries. Articles in the April 2015 British Journal of Sports Medicine (males only) and May/June 2015 Sports Health (males/females) reviewed videos of soccer ACL injuries. Both confirmed that landing...

A high school cheerleader and lacrosse player interested in returning to activity after concussions asked if a change of position could lower concussion risk. The cheerleader would move from base to tumbler, while the lacrosse player would become a wing and not take face-offs. The lacrosse player was also concerned...

For the battle of best sports drink, in one corner stands water, in the other stands flavored sports beverages. Just as athletes go head to head,  these two heavyweights are competing for the designation of "best sports drink". Even good ol' Charlie Brown wants to know, "what's going...

It’s not all doom and gloom after undergoing an ACL reconstruction. There are many factors that help dictate success as an athlete attempts to return to sport. Studies show that a good subset can get back to their pre-injury levels and go on to compete...

My dancers with foot, ankle, knee or even hip pain have taught me that the root cause often starts with abnormal motion of the big toe. Dancers however aren't the only ones who suffer from this problem. Recommend that any athlete, dancer, or other type of performer with ankle,...

Told you have asthma but still struggling to breath with exercise? Have throat tightness if running or singing? Start thinking about Vocal Cord Dysfunction! Typical Vocal Cord Dysfunction scenarios: What actually happens with Vocal Cord Dysfunction: Key signs of Vocal Cord Dysfunction and how it differs from Asthma: What else could...

A low carb diet may be a sensible option for children or athletes concerned about excessive weight, risk of diabetes and athletic performance. That very phrase may run contrary to common teaching. For example, if you click this link on traditional sports nutrition guides, you will often find...