Oct 25, 2017 | Ankle Injuries, Back Injuries, Baseball, bone stress injuries, Cheerleading, Elbow Injuries, Extreme Sport Injuries, Figure Skating Injuries, Football, Growth and Development in Younger Children, Heel and Foot Injuries, Hockey Injuries, Injury Prevention, Knee Injuries, Pediatric Sports Medicine, Shoulder Injuries, Soccer, Sport Specialization
Looking to reduce the risk of Sports Injuries in your young athlete? Then click on the link below and give a big thank you to colleague and friend Dr. Phyllis Agran. Phyllis and her colleagues at the Irvine Community News and Views have a regular column on Child...
Jul 29, 2017 | Ankle Injuries, Figure Skating Injuries, Heel and Foot Injuries, Injury Prevention
As a member of the US Figure Skating Medical Network, been learning how to help skin and skating boots get along to prevent figure skating skin injuries. Tight-fitting boots rubbing against the skin of ankles and feet can leave marks. Figure skating skin injuries...