Extreme Sport Injuries: Use Certain Skills to Max Thrills and Reduce Wipe-Outs
Boarders, bikers, and other extreme sport athletes require dedicated skills to provide thrills and...
Figure Skating Skin Injuries- Revenge of the Boots
As a member of the US Figure Skating Medical Network, been learning how to help skin and skating...
Healthy Post-Game Snacks: Put These Choices in Your Line-Up!
Looking for healthy post-game snacks? Here are sensible, low-cost, and good tasting healthy...
Lower Concussion Risk- Are Certain Sport Positions Safer?
A high school cheerleader and lacrosse player interested in returning to activity after...
Best Sports Drink: What is the Best Choice?
For the battle of best sports drink, in one corner stands water, in the other stands flavored...
When Should Your Child Return to Sport After an ACL Tear?
It’s not all doom and gloom after undergoing an ACL reconstruction. There are many factors that...
Preventing Swimmer’s Ear
The pain of swimmer's ear can not just ruin good times in the water but also put a damper on...
Feeding Infants: Sensible Tips to Make Mealtimes Enjoyable
SOLID FOODS There are many reasonable ways to start feeding infants. With just a few guidelines,...
Big Toe Limitations: Don’t Let this Small Joint Cause Big Problems
My dancers with foot, ankle, knee or even hip pain have taught me that the root cause often starts...
Vocal Cord Dysfunction: Knowing About It Can Change Your Life!
Told you have asthma but still struggling to breath with exercise? Have throat tightness...
Six Common Volleyball Injuries- and How to Prevent Them!
Working with Olympic level male and female volleyball players has allowed me a unique appreciation...
Six Wise Steps to Guide Return-to-Learn After Concussion
“A step-wise concussion return-to-learn progression optimally takes a team approach including the...