How Many Ear Infections Are Too Many?
Middle ear infections are the most common cause of earaches in children. Nearly 5 out of every 6...
Protecting your children during RSV/Flu season
The holidays are here and yes, that also means it is cold and flu season! Two common respiratory...
Please Team Up For Safety of Flag Football Athletes
As I write this, the inaugural season of high school flag football in the California...
Should I Weep If My Child Snores During Sleep?
You hear your baby or child snore during sleep. Are you quick to respond, “yes” when asked by the...
Debbie’s Retirement Message
For over 40 years, Debbie has been our office manager and often the first voice greeting you when...
Why Yellow is the Most Important Newborn Color
Why Yellow (Yes, not Pink, or Blue) is the Most Important Newborn Color and Answers to Questions...
What dancers should know before seeing a doctor or other medical professional?
When a dancer is told that they need to see a doctor due to an injury or illness, there’s probably...
Cough And Colds: When To Take A Sick Young Child To The Doctor
You hear your baby or toddler coughing from the other room. It might be a new cough that wakes...
Show Up to a Tournament or Showcase with a Plan for Success
Tournament or showcase play can take a major toll on the mind and body of an athlete. Don’t just...
Snoozing To Success | Catching Some Zzzs Can Help You & Your Kids
There is no doubt that getting enough quality sleep is essential for overall physical and mental...
Some logics on probiotics and antibiotics
Your child has been prescribed an antibiotic medicine. Antibiotic medicines are “anti” or used to...
How to explain Dancer ankle pain and sprains
Are you a dancer who does releve, jumping/leaping, en point or wearing heels? Do you realize the...